Good morning Everyone,
While we’ve been following our Crossfit challenge sincerely since past 3 weeks, here are some of my findings:
- It is more focused on form and technique than I had expected, however I still haven’t seen a deep understanding core strength and alignment.
- It is more focused on injury prevention than I expected
- The WODs look way easier on the board than when you are actually doing them! …everytime
- You feel a bit like you are letting the team down if you don’t go. It isn’t a team sport but it still it has a way of making you feel motivated to turn up and to keep challenging yourself.
- I think my shoulders are looking stronger. Although, the few people I have asked about this said they don’t notice any difference
- It is really good for my stress levels and mental state. Any exercise is, but it is harder to get yourself there when you are stressed and busy. CrossFit makes it pretty easy to fit it in your life – just turn up ready and the rest is done for you.
- After 3 sessions, i don’t need motivations anymore to workout
And most importantly, you get better at counting… Lol!
I hope you share the same soreness and thoughts on Crossfit like me…
If you feel like Crossfit is your type of exercise, i suggest you try assault bikes and rowing next.
Looking forward to our Crossfit Challenge day on the 27th!