Okay I know what you are thinking… there are way too many “superhero” movies and TV shows nowadays. I agree. In fact, there are so many now that Marvel is releasing series based on characters 99% of people have never heard of (including me). Whatever, I still gave Jessica Jones a chance anyways ( I was bored ).
I’m definitely not disappointed in that decision. The show actually turned out to be great. It started off slow and I nearly gave up on it after the second episode, but it found itself around the third and hooked me from there. And surprisingly it just kept getting better.
For me, superheroes that are immortal, can fly and have all the bells and whistles expect for one weakness (looking at you Superman) are completely bland and cheesy. Which is precisely why Jessica Jones was interesting to me. She has none of that. I had no clue who she was, so it was refreshing to see that she doesn’t really have any ridiculous powers. Her abilities are actually underwhelming as far as “superheroes” go. Superhuman strength and an ability to jump high. Nothing that gives too much of an advantage. She’s mortal as ever which makes her relatable and helps create real suspense. You could basically drop the series out of the “superhero” category and you’d probably get away with it.
The villian might be the most compelling reason to give this series a try. He can mind control subjects within a certain radius of him. Once he controls you, you have to do everything he says. The basic story is that he controlled Jessica for years until she finally managed to get away from him by pure luck. Years later she finds out that he is back (and not dead) and is out to control her again.
The writers crafted a villain with the right amount of challenge for Jessica to take down, and often come up with creative ways to showcase his abilities (vs that of Jessica).
The ending was absolutely perfect, and just the right amount of satisfaction for the 13 episodes you watch to get to that point.
I recommend this — even if you aren’t a fan of Marvel movies or TV.